Have Some Fun!

”Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun!”

Professor Randy Pausch

Sometimes, ya just gotta drop everything and have some fun.

Yesterday started with an impromptu visit from a wonderful friend. After a couple of hours of coffee and good convo, she went home while we got ready to go to the amusement park.

Now, most things I do for fun do not cost much: reading, writing, walking, yoga, cats, daydreaming, watching tv…most of my “extra” money usually goes to eating out or a coffee, or necessities like clothes for the kids and haircuts. I love vacations, but how I like to vacation costs a lot.

But when one has kids, more money gets spent. We want to give them experiences, bond, make memories. Sometimes this costs a little. Yes, there is plenty parents can do with their kids which is free or not too expensive, and I do lots of these. Some of my favorite are: walks in the neighborhood, hikes in State Parks, trips out for ice cream, board games or cards, the town (not state) zoo, bowling, county museums, having friends over, swimming, and movies (in or out).

Yesterday, however, we spent a little money and took a trip to Valleyfair. In Minnesota, Valleyfair is our equivalent to Six Flags, although not as impressive, (and probably not as expensive). It’s better than our local county fair rides though. The biggest driving factor to go was Damian, (youngest son), had never been there. And Randy, (my oldest son), and his fiancée Emma came with, as they go every year.

Also, at my age I have a hard time with some rides. I love most of them, but the older I get the more nauseous I get on them. It sucks. With the young kids with us, I knew Damian would have someone to go on any ride he wanted.

As it turns out, that kid really is my speed. Any ride I thought was too much, so did he. And we both get nervous even on the rides we chose. There was only one we both regretted doing, but we survived and came out stronger for it. 🤣

Then when we got home around 8pm, a storm was rolling in. We stood on our deck, watching the clouds and lightening. (I know people are supposed to go inside when there’s lightening, and I don’t know if this is a Midwest thing or what, but whenever a storm comes in, even tornado warnings, you’ll find the whole damn neighborhood standing outside, watching the sky.)

So how do you have fun? And do people stand outside when dangerous storm are approaching where you live? Seriously, I wanna know! 😂

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