To be, or not to be excited…that is the question!

“And isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?”

Ironic” by Alanis Morissette

In a somewhat ironic but much needed turn of events, I got a job this week.! I honestly wasn’t sure whether to end the last sentence with a period or exclamation point. I tend to overuse exclamation points, as though everything I say is in a dramatic, exciting manner, so I’m trying to cut back.

Also, I am excited but not excited at the same time, so I don’t know which punctuation is most appropriate.

I mean, I need to pay my bills! (Exclamation point, lol). Especially now that I’m responsible for 1/2 the rent, unlike my previous life, where he paid the entire mortgage.

Which means I NEED a job.

But I have LOVED having the last 22 days off. I have worked on healing, strengthening, creating. I finally came back to this space, and the posts of the few bloggers I have come to know, admire, respect. I’m actually WRITING again, and it feels good.

And it seems whenever I do start getting back into it, life throws up a road block. In 2022 I had decision to make about my future career path, as I blogged about in Where Do I Go From Here? I was worried if I took a full time job my writing would go by the wayside.

I was right. I could barely keep my head above water the first year. Last year was better, but I didn’t have much energy for writing. However, my relationship was tanking too, and likely also contributing to my lack of motivation.

And while the job I took is only part time, Old Tyme School begins soon too. This will be my 10th year teaching the three week program, which I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned on this blog. To sum up quickly, students in grades 1st-8th go back 100 years to the days of pioneer school. It’s fun, but also a lot of work.

Then regular school will start again, and I’ll probably work both jobs, and I have no idea how I’ll even have time for sleep, let alone writing.

And the same ol’ excuse goes on and on and on…

I mean, this is what life does. Once you decide to get on board 100%, life will test your will. Your strength of character. It will ask you, “How much do you want it, really?”

How important is writing to me? Being a writer? How will I feel not following my dreams? Author/motivational speaker/life coach Tony Robbins teaches us in order to have lasting change in our lives, we have to raise our standards, and in order to this, “You turn your shoulds into musts.”

This means whatever is weighing us down, keeping us up at night—that little voice whispering in the back of our minds off and on throughout our lives saying, “I should do that,” deserves to be listened to. It deserves to have its priority bumped from “should” to “must.” (Unless of course it’s related to house cleaning. Those tasks can always wait!)

So what are the shoulds you need to turn into musts, Dreamers? What do you always wish you’d done, or tell yourself you will do…one day?

PS: The job I took is serving at a restaurant located at a casino about an hour away. Not ideal driving-wise, but after applying to over 20 places, I’m glad to have something. I am grateful to a long-time friend for getting me the interview and talking me up. It’s all about who ya know, ya know? 😉

PPS: Here’s a few things that made me laugh this week…

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